Language Services
The UCLA Health Language Services team provides services to all UCLA Health inpatients, outpatients and their relatives at no cost. Every attempt is made to provide services in any language. The service will be provided by an in-person interpreter, video conference or by telephone.
UCLA interpreters contribute to quality patient care, ensuring effective and efficient communication that increases Limited English Proficient patients' and staff satisfaction, resulting in better clinical outcomes.
How patients can request services
We are here to help.
- Telephone:
- Email:
To learn more about UCLA Health's commitment to providing quality and efficient language access services to our patients, please enjoy the video below.
How providers and staff can request services
The following is the latest information on our services and how to obtain them:
- Vendor over-the-phone (310-267-8001 option 3) and video-remote (blue Cyracom iPad carts) interpretation services remain accessible 24/7.
- Additionally, UCLA staff interpreters are available via MyChart Video Visit, Zoom, and telephone:
- UCLA staff Spanish interpreters are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, to provide service via MyChart Video Visit, Zoom, and telephone.
Whenever possible, please submit requests 48 hours in advance.
- If you need a Spanish staff interpreter for a MyChart Video Visit or Zoom meeting taking place during business hours, please submit the .
- If you need a Spanish interpreter for a scheduled Zoom meeting after-hours, including weekends, a request needs to be submitted in advance using the , during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Languages Other than Spanish (including American Sign Language)
- Interpretation services for MyChart Video Visits are currently not available for languages other than Spanish. We suggest converting these encounters to phone or Zoom if an interpreter is needed.
- If you need an interpreter for a scheduled Zoom meeting in a language other than Spanish (including after-hours and weekends) a request needs to be submitted in advance using the , during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- for information on regulations and guidance on communicating with Deaf, Deaf/Blind, and Hard of Hearing Patients and their Caregivers.
Interpretation Services for Last-minute Zoom Meetings
- Interpretation services for last-minute Zoom meetings are available Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm in the following languages: Spanish, American Sign Language, Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, and Vietnamese. To obtain this service, please contact us at 310-267-8001 and select option 1.
**For critical or exceptional cases where an in-person interpreter is imperative to the communication, please contact us.
Additional Resources
- Language Services Policy - coming soon
American Sign Language
Deaf & Hard Of Hearing Patients:
- Sign language and spoken language interpreters, TDDs, and other services are available free of charge, to ensure effective communication between staff, patients and patients' families.
- UCLA currently has an American Sign Language (ASL) Medical Interpreter on their staff and contracts for other communication support services as needed.
- If you need an American Sign Language interpreter, please submit the .
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
- Title II and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act covers places of public accommodation and public entities, regardless of whether that entity receives federal financial assistance.
- A public accommodation shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to ensure effective communication with individuals with disabilities.
- Legal mandates require that American Sign Language interpretation services be provided for family members, friends, and caregivers who may be deaf or hard-of-hearing, even if the patient does not require an interpreter,
Aids and services include:
- Qualified interpreters
- Pen and paper
- Telephonic device for the deaf
- Video
- TDD Relay Service by dialing 711
The State Assembly Bill (AB) 775
- Prohibits the use of children as interpreters in communicating medical diagnoses or treatment in hospitals, clinics, and doctors' offices that receive state funding.
- The bill requires medical entities to have an established procedure for competent interpretation services that do not require the use of children.
- Violations of these provisions may result in the loss of state funding and cancellation of state contracts to the offending institution.
- Children are often traumatized when they are forced to interpret sensitive medical information to their family members.
- The use of an untrained interpreter, particularly the use of a child who may not even have basic knowledge about parts of the body, disease, or symptoms, can have dire consequences.
Using Family, Friends, Minors, Untrained Volunteers, Strangers, and Other Patients:
- May result in breach of confidentiality.
- May result in patients being reluctant to fully disclose critical information.
- Increase hospital liability due to use of individuals who are not qualified.
- May result in additions, omissions, and changes in information.
- May result in misinterpretation due to lack of adequate technical vocabulary.